Richard A. Jensen, Professor of Homiletics at Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago. He has written several books on preaching, including the text for this course.
This course on preaching will be especially useful for lay persons who have been authorized by their Synod to serve congregations on an interim basis, and whose duties include preaching regularly. Of course other laity who preach will also profit.Pastors too, even those who have been preaching a long time, will find new ideas, stimulation and refreshment thorugh this course.
Textbook: Thinking In Story, Richard A. Jensen
1. The Preaching Task (46 min.)
2. Lutheran Theological Foundations (52 min.)
3. Thinking in Story (50 min.)
4. Thnking/Preaching in Idea (48 min.)
5. Thinking/Preaching in Story (43 min.)
6. Thinking/Preaching in Image (38 min.)
7. Preaching: Occasional Services (38 min.)
8. Feminist Insight for Preaching (42 min.)
Lectures and Study Guide Only: $80
Textbook Only: $14
Complete Package: $90
A collection of presentations around topics that often seem at the forefront in our Christian communities. Leaders will get helpful look at each in 15-20 minutes. Multiple Presenters:
Walter Bouman, Prof. (Em) of Systematic Theology,Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus.
Pamela Cooper-White, Professor of Practical Theology at The Lutheran Theological
Seminary, Philadelphia.
Sarah Henrich, Associate Professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary, St. Paul.
John Hoffmeyer, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at The Lutheran Theological
Seminary, Philadelphia.
Steven McKinley, Pastor of House of Prayer Lutheran Church, Richfield, Minnesota.
James Nestingen, Professor of Church History at Luther Seminary, St. Paul.
Mark Powell, Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus.
Craig Satterlee, Professor of Homoletics at The Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago.
Thomas Schattauer, Professor of Liturgics at Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque.
Walter Taylor, Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus.
Wayne Weissenbuehler, Pastor of Bethany Lutheran Church, Englewood, Colorado.
Section 1
1. What do Lutherans teach about the rapture? Taylor (17 min.)
2. Is God's forgiveness dependent on our repentance? Powell (14 min.)
3. Can Jews and/or Muslims be "saved"? Bouman (21 min.)
4. What makes a church Lutheran? Weissenbuehler (16 min.)
5. What about the American flag in the sancutary? Weissenbuehler (11 min.)
6. How do we resolve the issue of traditional vs. contemporary music in
worship? McKinley (21 min.)
Section 2
1. Where did the Bible come from? Powell (17 min.)
2. What do Lutherans teach about "miracles of healing"? Powell (14 min.)
3. What do Lutherans teach about evolution and creation? Bouman (23 min.)
4. Why does God permit suffering? Weissenbuehler (14 min.)
5. What do I say when someone asks "Are you saved"? McKinley 14 min.)
6. Why so much "baptism talk"? What about faith? Bouman (23 min.)
7. Is it all right to doubt? McKinley (21 min.)
Section 3
1. Do Lutherans slight the Holy Spirit? Hoffmeyer (16 min.)
2. How can we share our faith, yet respect the faith of others? Satterlee (18 min.)
3. Are there things we shouldn’t pray for in church? Schattauer (20 min.)
4. What can we say about death? Cooper-White (14 min.)
5. What is the future of the Lutheran / Mainline churches? Nestingen (16 min.)
6. What do we mean when we say, “The Bible is true� Henrich (23 min.)
One Section $25; All Three Sections $60
There are 4 total products in this category. One title is a package with 3 products listed on the left. Please click on:
Sent To Preach
at left for more information and product listings.
Lectionary Pericope Study Subscription
Year C 2006 – 2007 Beginning Advent I, Dec. 3, 2006
The Select Lectionary Pericope series has long been a popular program for clergy who are charged with preaching regularly. These have featured some of the best homiletics professors and biblical scholars in the ELCA seminaries. These presentations help exegete the texts assigned for each Sunday in the church year, and are used by individuals and clergy groups across the country.
This coming year, which begins with Advent 2006, the Lectionary Pericope series will expand to include faculty from Lutheran colleges and from outside the Lutheran tradition.
Lectionary segments are approximately 20 minutes of exegetical and homiletical presentation for each Sunday. Formatted on DVDs, the materials for the upcoming season of the church year are delivered about two weeks before the beginning of the first Sunday of the season. Subscriptions are for the whole church year. Although a full year subscription is preferable, it is possible to order the separate church year seasons at a cost of $60 per DVD.
Presenters for the Lectionary Pericope study
Advent Christmas
Karla Suomala
Asst. Professor Religion, Luther College
PhD Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion
Diane Turner-Sherazz
Instructor in Homiletics in the Homer J. Elford Chair of Homiletics
Methodist Theological School of Ohio
PhD studies Vanderbilt Divinity School
Rod Hutton
Professor of Old Testament
Trinity Lutheran Seminary
PhD Claremont Graduate School
John Clabeaux
Assistant Professor of Sacred Scripture
Pontifical College Josephinum School of Theology
PhD Harvard Divinity School
Pentecost I
The Rev. Wil Gafney
Assistant Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
PhD Duke University
Pentecost II
Richard Carlson
Professor of Biblical Studies
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg
PhD Union Theological Seminary in Virginia
Lectionary Pericope Study Year C Subscription
$210 plus $30 shipping
Select Learning no longer provides a reader for final papers. Select Learning does provide certificates of completion for those who have successfully completed locally held courses.
Programs desiring a certificate of completion for courses that are hosted locally, should have the course facilitator/teacher read and the students paper or designate a reader for the program. Once the papers are graded (Pass/Fail), the reader can contact Maria Rodas,, to indicate the course that has been completed, the program it is for, and the students names and email addresses. Maria will provide certificates of completion for those identified students.
The guidelines for a final paper are:
Participants who use Select Learning courses to meet requirements for certification processes, must write a paper for each course. In this paper the participant must be able to articulate an understanding and integration of the course material including the lectures, reading and discussion. The participant should use the following questions to guide preparation of the paper:
1. What are the key ideas of the course? Which were most significant, provocative or challenging for you? With which of the key ideas and concepts did you agree, disagree or struggle?
2. What impact has this course had? How might it have relevance for your life? How might it affect your ministry?
3. As you complete this course, about what are you interested in knowing more?
4. What was missing from this course? What do you wish had been included to make it an even richer learning experience?
The paper should be about 10 pages in length, double-spaced.
If you have further questions or comments about Select Learning theological materials, please contact:
Jodi Hanson
NOTE: Please include your church name and address. Thank you.