Hans Wiersma(Augsburg College) Sessions 1-4
Session 1 Remembering The Wittenberg Door and More: Getting Ready for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
The 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther Posting the 95 Theses is just around the bend (on October 31, 2017, to be precise). In light of this, the Lay School of Ministry’s continuing education theme will be Luther-and-the-Reformation for the 2015-2016 year. This session will provide a preview of sorts by way of offering (1) an overview of the events that kicked off the Reformation 500 years ago, (2) reasons why Lutheran congregations (especially!) should begin planning now to observe this important event, (3) guidance for how to observe this important event, and (4) resources already available to help congregations in their planning for the 2017 observation.
Sessions 2-4 "When Necessary Use Words"? Verbum Dei Theology for Right Now
By now, you've likely been admonished by some t-shirt, poster, or bumper sticker to "preach the gospel
and, if necessary, use words." The slogan (inaccurately attributed to St. Francis) appears to turn the
Theology of the Word on its ear. On the other hand, the slogan resonates in a culture where explicitly
religious speech is met with suspicion or even outright hostility. Still, if "faith comes through hearing"
and "God's Word does what it says," then should we not also be speaking up for the spoken, preached
Word? Along with Scripture, we'll look at past and present resources from Lutheran and
other traditions to guide our investigation.