Equipping Households of Faith (streaming)

Equipping Households of Faith (streaming)


Equipping Households of Faith
Teaching the Bible with Children, Youth and Families

(This resource is in streaming format. If you would prefer a DVD click here.)


Are you a:
• Parent, Godparent or Grandparent           • Children, Youth or Family Minister
• Christian Education Team                          • Sunday School or Confirmation Teacher
• Faith Formation Director                            • Household Ministry Coordinator
• Caring Adult or Mentor                               • Book of Faith Advocate
• Mission Developer                                       • Pastor


Are you looking for:
• Practical approaches and resources to encourage children, youth and their care-givers to
encounter scripture in their own homes?
• The "why" and "how" to effectively connect the congregation with the domestic church, called
• Specific ways to equip households to know God's story and to practice the Christian faith
at home and in daily life?


Equipping Households of Faith is based on research, scripture and an understanding of Baptism
that inform us that the home is the primary place for experiencing God's Story and practicing
our Christian faith. This course will help congregations build a strong and vital partnership with
households for a common mission. Children, youth and adults of all ages, and families in all
stages, will be encouraged and equipped to practice their faith in daily life.


This course was designed with the lay person in mind as well as the church professional. The presenters are people who know the research, are passionate about faith formation across the generations and engage with scripture in their own homes and congregations. The heart, mind and hands of the participant is engaged through personal stories, Biblical references, and practical ‚“how-to's."


Session 1.Foundations for Creating Households of Faith
      with Dr. Dick Hardel & Dr. Dawn Alitz
Session 2. Connecting Church and Home
      with Andrea Fieldhouse
Session 3. Faith Practices in the Home
     with Marilyn Sharpe & Liz Otteson
Session 4. Placing in Your Hands the Holy Scripture
    with Dr. Dick Hardel, Rev. Richard Staats & Rev. Cora Aguilar


Each session is designed for 50-60 minutes of class time:
• A 20-25 minute video hosted and narrated by Linda Staats
• Comprehensive Study Guides for the Facilitator and Participant that enable the viewer to
apply what they are viewing to their own ministry setting - at church and at home.
• Extensive Bibliography

Click on each title to download the pieces of the study guide:


Teaching the Bible with Children, Youth and Families, Unit 1 from Select Learning on Vimeo.

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