Introduction to the World of the New Testament

Introduction to the World of the New Testament


Introduction to the World of the New Testament

This course has been remastered from Select Learning's larger Introduction to the New Testament with a study guide written specifically for congregational use.  This 4 session course gives excellent grounding for in-depth Bible study, preparing participants to become more confident Bible readers and interpreters. Dr. Ray Pickett, Dr. Sarah Henrich, and Dr. Rick Carlson introduce participants to the world of the text, the world behind the text, and the world in front of the text. The fourth session of the course creates the space for participants to work on reading and interpreting a text together, using Mark 10: 46-52. The study guide provides structure for a 60 minute class session.
•    Gathering, Opening Prayer, and Setting the Scene for the Day (10 minutes)
•    View Video (20-25 minutes)
•    Discussion Questions (20-25 minutes)
•    Closing (5 minutes)

Session 1:  New Testament Literature & New Testament Canon
Session 2:  Greco-Roman World
Session 3:  The Jewish Context of Early Christian Literature
Session 4:  Interpretation

“One of our primary goals in this course is to provide a variety of lenses and interpretive tools that will allow you to understand the literature of the New Testament in relation to its historical and cultural contexts so that you can faithfully and imaginatively interpret New Testament texts in your own contemporary ministry contexts. In other words, we want to teach you how to interpret the New Testament texts, not just interpret them for you.
Dr. Ray Pickett, New Testament Literature

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