This book is a compilation of the 2005 Convocation presentations at Luther Seminary: Living Out Our Callings in the Workplace. The 3 distinguished authors bring unique perspectives to this exploration. (The following descriptions are dated to the time of the 2005 Convocation.)
Dr. Richard Bliese
Dean of Academic Affairs, Luther Seminary
Richard Bliese is an experienced pastor, missionary, teacher, administrator and scholar. He joined the Luther Seminary faculty as academic dean and associate professor of mission in July 2003. Prior to these appointment he was the director of graduate studies and Augustana Heritage associate professor of global mission and evangelism at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. He has also served in Germany, Zaire and Rwanda. He has published articles through the world and co-edited The Dictionary of Mission: Theology, History, Perspectives (1997).
Dr. David W. Miller
Executive Director, Center for Faith & Culture, Yale Divinity School
David Miller is a teacher, speaker, writer and advisor to business, academic and church organizations in the emerging field of spirituality and work. He is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Prior to working at Yale Divinity School, Miller was president of Avodah Institute, an organization he co-founded that helps business leaders integrate the claims of their faith with the demands of their work. The Yale Center for Faith & Culture supports initiatives that promote understanding and bring revitalization to the ways in which religious commitments interact with culture and shape people's lives.
Pamela J. Moret
Executive Vice President, Marketing and Products, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Pamela Moret oversees Thrivent Financial's product management, brand development, advertising, marketing communication and market research functions. Prior to working at Thrivent Financial (and its predecessors AAL and LB), Moret worked at American Express as the CEO of ISD Life Express Financial. Moret serves on the boards of Minnesota Public Radio and Lutheran World Relief. She is a member of the public relations council of Life Insurers and the Minnesota Women's Economic Roundtable. In 1999 she was inducted into the YMCA Academy of Women Achievers, joining a community of more than 2,100 of the most dynamic and successful women in the country.
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Jodi Hanson
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