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The Bible contains hundreds of stories-thousands of names. How does a person begin to understand and remember it all?
Adult Crossings is a unique Bible overview. It explores what many scholars consider the eight core stories of the Bible. This is what theologian Walter Brueggemann calls "the primal narrative-that most simple, elemental, and non-negotiable story line that lies at the heart of biblical faith." This study is perfect for a whole-congregation Bible emphasis, small group study, or new member classes. The core stories include:
1. God's Call
2. The Exodus
3. Sinai Covenant
4. Promised Land
5. Davidic Rule
6. Jesus' Life
7. The Cross
8. Resurrection Life
By studying these ancient stories we can begin to see how God continues to act, here and now, in us and through us.
The Adult Crossings Starter Pack contains:
• Journal Book: Questions and reflections for adults on each of the core stories, plus three additional sessions on how to read and understand scripture, the context of Jesus' ministry, and the ongoing journey of faith. Participants work through each session prior to gathering.
• Leader Guide CD-ROM: Step-by-step instructions to facilitate discussion for eleven 60-minute sessions. It is printable and on a separate CDROM.
• Crossings Adult Study DVD*: Includes eleven 20-minute sessions. Invite top biblical scholars into your group discussion. The first six segments focus on the Hebrew Scripture and are presented by Dr. Mark A. Throntveit. The final five segments on the New Testament are presented by Dr. Thomas G. Long.
Meet the Crossings Writers
Dr. Thomas G. Long presents Bible Backgrounds for the New Testament. He is Bandy Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. His numerous publications include The Witness of Preaching, Testimony: Talking Ourselves into Being Christian, Hebrews in Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching, and Matthew in Westminster Bible Companion Series.
Dr. Mark A. Throntveit presents Bible Backgrounds for the Hebrew Scripture. Throntveit is professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul. His books include The NIV Learning Bible, 1 & 2 Chronicles in The New Interpreter’s Study Bible, 1 & 2 Chronicles in Harper’s Bible Commentary, The CEV Learning Bible, and Ezra-Nehemiah in Interpretation Commentaries.
The Rev. John Indermark edited and revised portions of the Crossings Confirmation Curriculum and wrote extensive new material, for use in the Adult Crossings Leader’s Guide, Journal, and to supplement the Bible Background for Session 7. Indermark writes for a variety of Christian education and faith formation curricula, including Seasons of the Spirit. Upper Room Books has published a number of his books, among them Gospeled Lives: Encounters with Jesus (a Lenten study).
*Electronic product may not be returned unless it is defective.
What to Order:
Starter Pack-ACSTP
1 Leader Guide, 1 Journal, 1 DVD-$110.00
Participant Journal-ACJNL (click here to order)
Order 1 for each participant-$14.95
Logos Productions - Crossings from Seraphim Communications on Vimeo.
If you have further questions or comments about Select Learning theological materials, please contact:
Jodi Hanson
NOTE: Please include your church name and address. Thank you.