Online Videos

Option to download.


The resources in this category are most easily used by streaming. Once purchased, when you are logged into your account, you will find easily accessible links to the resources on the left side of the home page of under a new menu listed as ‘My Content’. Click on the links to be taken to each resource’s video sessions. Click on a session to stream.


Streaming the resources is quick and easy when you have fast Internet. Recognizing that some churches do not have fast or consistent Internet, your purchase does include the option of downloading. To download you will need good Internet connection, time, and storage space on your computer. Once downloaded the sessions can be played without worry about Internet signal.


When you are at a video session there will be a ‘download’ link on the lower left of the video box. You will need to right click that link and choose ‘save link as’ in order to start the download process. This is true for both Mac and PC.  Depending on your Internet and browser this process can take minutes to hours.  You may need to experiment to see which video player works with your computer and the Internet browser you are using. If you are having difficulty with a media player, VLC is a free resource that works across all platforms. (

Down + Out: Where Grace Takes You (streaming)

List price: $0.00

(This resource is in streaming format. If you would prefer a DVD, click here.)
Five hundred years ago, a little-known German monk discovered in Scripture two simple ideas so scandalous that they set Europe aflame for centuries. The church would never be the same.


The Dramatic Presentation of Paul's Letter to the Galatians (streaming)

SKU: DPGalst
List price: $0.00
Dimensions: 1 in × 1 in × 1 in

(This resource is in streaming format. If you would prefer a DVD click here.)


"Paul's letter to the Galatians was drafted for the purposes of being performed," says David Rhoads. "All the books in the New Testament are like that. When they were written, 95 percent of the people couldn't read. The books were meant to be experienced as drama."



Service and Learning (streaming)

List price: $0.00
Dimensions: 1 in × 1 in × 1 in

Unit 2 of Teaching the Bible with Children, Youth and Families

NOTE: This version of the product is for digital download and online streaming only. To purchase the DVD-based product, click here.




Good God Questions: Volumes 1&2 (streaming)

SKU: GGQ1&2st
List price: $0.00
Dimensions: 1 in × 1 in × 1 in

(This resource is in streaming format. If you would prefer a DVD click here.)
Sometimes questions about God are hard to ask and even harder to answer. Sometimes we get stuck at the questions and sometimes we stumble.
Presenters include:
Volume 1
Alan Padgett, Professor of Systematic Theology
Carol Miles, Associate Professor of Preaching
Fred Gaiser, Professor of Old Testament
Rolf Jacobson, Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Host


Equipping Households of Faith (streaming)

SKU: EqHst
List price: $0.00
Dimensions: 1 in × 1 in × 1 in

Equipping Households of Faith
Teaching the Bible with Children, Youth and Families

(This resource is in streaming format. If you would prefer a DVD click here.)



Biblical Stewardship: Our Duty and Delight (streaming)

List price: $0.00
Dimensions: 1 in × 1 in × 1 in

Biblical Stewardship:Our Duty and Delight

with Dr. Mark Allan Powell
Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio


(This resource is in the streaming format. If you prefer DVD, click here.)



Earthbound: Created and Called to Care for Creation (streaming)

SKU: EB09st
List price: $0.00
Dimensions: 1 in × 1 in × 1 in

(This resource is in streaming format. If you would prefer a DVD click here.)


It's a real problem, no matter your political stance. The earth is being damaged by human activity.



How Lutherans Interpret the Bible (streaming)

List price: $0.00
Dimensions: 1 in × 1 in × 1 in

(This resource is in streaming format. If you would prefer a DVD click here.)



The American Protestant Experience: A Free Market for Faith (streaming)

List price: $0.00
Dimensions: 1 in × 1 in × 1 in

(This resource is in a streaming format. If you would prefer a DVD click here.)


It's no accident that America is home to a wide range of religious expressions. Immigrants, brought their faith with them from around the globe and established churches and denominations. But the most unique quality of American religious life is the innovation and experimentation that takes place here. This makes this country a free marketplace for faith.



"We Must Plant the Church": The Story of Lutherans in America (streaming)

List price: $0.00
Dimensions: 1 in × 1 in × 1 in

(This is a streaming resource. If you prefer DVD click here.)

When Lutherans came to America, they brought with them Martin Luther’s belief that people of faith engage the big questions of the day.




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