LSM podcasts 2015-16
Why the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Still Matters
Kit Kleinhans, Wartburg College, “Reformation: Why and How? An Introduction”
Martin Lohrmann, Wartburg Seminary, “Reformers Working Together: The Collegial Side of the Lutheran Reformation”
Wanda Deifelt, Luther College, “Art and the Reformation”
Robert and Victoria Christman, Luther College, “The Reformation and the Common Folk (Germany and the Low Countries)”
Phil Ruge-Jones, Texas Lutheran University, "Luther and the Word"
Darrell Jodock, St. Olaf, "500 Years of Interpreting and Reinterpreting Luther."
L. DeAne Lagerquist, St. Olaf, “Global Legacy of the Reformation”
Brooks Schramm & Kirsi Stjerna, Gettysburg/PLTS, “Luther and the Jews"
Ralph Klein, Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, “Rare Books, Reformation Medallions and Luther”
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