Lutheran Heritage (online course full package)

Lutheran Heritage (online course full package)


Lutheran Heritage
Class orientation week of Jan. 13 -16, 2025
Orientation Zoom call: Thursday Jan. 16, 7:30 Central Time ( backup time Friday, Jan. 17 at 7:30 pm Central Time)

Class sessions Jan. 17 - March 27, 2025


This online course has been newly reformatted and will include 2 DVD sets: Reformation Roots and "We Must Plant the Church": The Story of Lutherans in America.


Course facilitator: Rev. Dr. Rusell Vandell has served urban and rural congregations in Texas and Oklahoma since 1981. In addition to the Lutheran Heritage Course for Select Learning, he also has taught Church History and Lutheran Identity for the Northern Texas - Northern Louisiana Synod's Parish Lay Ministry Academy. Other academic experiences include college teaching in Texas and serving as a Fullbright Scholar at the University of Zimbabwe. 


Textbooks: 1. Justo Gonzalez, Story of Christianity, Vol 2. (click here to purchase)
                   or Kindle version of Story of Christianity, Vol 2 (click here to purchase)
                  2.  L. DeAne Lagerquist, The Lutherans (click here to purchase)


Textbooks purchased separately from lectures and registration.


Select Learning online companion courses provide wonderful input and support. The lectures for this course are a series of interviews with theologians across the church with a narrator guiding you through the interviews. They include: Martin Marty, Hans Wiersma, Phil Adamo, Mark Tranvik, Mickey Mattox, Victoria Christman, Darrell Jodock, Mickey McCormick, Ron Rittgers, Robert Christman, Laruel Carrington, Kirsi Stjerna, Euan Kerr Cameron,  Mark Valeri, Eric Carlson,  William Cahoy and Shawn Colberg, L. Deane Lagerquist, Kathryn Kleinhans, Maria Erling, Mark Hanson, David Prues, Gordon Straw, Richard Stewart, Mark Granquist, and Nancy Koester.The facilitator for this course is Dr. Russell Vardell. Dr. Vardell has a strong background in theology, history, and online learning.  He was dean of the Parish Lay Ministry Academy for the Northern Texas, Northern Louisiana Synod, ELCA and is pastor at First United Lutheran Church, Dallas TX.


This course is intended to help participants acquire a sense of history‚ in particular Lutheran history moving from its roots in Germany through the transitions into North America. Some attention will also be given to the other reforming movements. The course structure includes watching the recorded lectures, textbook readings, posting essays online, and participating in 2 video conference discussions.

This is a 10 session course.

CLICK HERE for a syllabus.

If you already own the DVDs for this course, click here, for the online registration only.

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