More Real Prayers (book)

More Real Prayers (book)


"When Wendell prayed (in class), he did so with a sense of immediacy.  Like the Hebrew psalmist, his prayers were an intimate yet forthright conversation with God... It was as if the Lord was in the room, addressed firmly, directly, and often with a droll sense of humor."
Robert Brusic, Seminary Pastor, Luther Seminary
This small booklet is the second treasury of prayers written by Wendell Frerichs, Luther Seminary Professor Emeritus of Old Testament.  These prayers are called  "real" because each one has been used, prayed at the beginning of one of Frerichs' classes. They are real, too, because of their frankness and simplicity.  There is no flowery language found here.
This compilation gives new life to these prayers.  Use them for personal reflection and mediation. for praying with others, and for special occasions. It makes a wonderful gift too.

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