Course Faculty

Our courses use faculty from across the seminaries and colleges of the ELCA and our ecumenical partners.

About Select Learning - Faculty

Dr. Phil Adamo (Reformation Roots, By What Authority: Rethinking Early Christian History)
Dr David Bains (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Charles Bobertz (By What Authority: Rethinking Early Christain History)
Dr. Kate Bowler (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Ryan Butler (The American Protestant Experience)
The Rev. Dick Bruesehoff (Making Mutual Ministry Work)
Dr. William Cahoy (Reformation Roots, By What Authority: Rethinking Early Christian History)
Dr Eaun Kerr Cameron (Reformation Roots)
Dr. Michael Campbell (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr Eric Carlson (Reformation Roots)
Dr. Rick Carlson (Introduction to the New Testament)
Dr. Joel Carpenter (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Laurel Carrington (Reformation Roots)
Dr. Robert Christman (Reformation Roots)
Dr. Victoria Christman (Reformation Roots)
Dr. Shawn Colberg (Reformation Roots)
Dr. Norma Cook Everist (Teaching the Bible, Hosting the Conversation)
Dr. John Carrigan (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Maria Erling (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Lois Farag (By What Authority: Rethinking Early Christian History)

Dr. Ann Fritschel (Systematic Theology)
Dr. Phillip Gollner (The American Protestant Expereince)
Dr. Mark Granquist (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Kristin Johnston Largen (Systematic Theology)

Bishop Emeritus Mark Hanson ("We Must Plant the Church": The Story of Lutherans in America)
Dr. Sarah Henrich (Introduction to the New Testament)
Dr. Bruce Hindermarsh (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Barbara Holmes (The American Protestant Expereince)
Dr. Mary Hughes (Teaching the Bible, Hosting the Conversation)

Dr. Diane Hymans (Teaching the Bible, Hosting the Conversation)
Dr. Darrell Jodock (The American Protestant Experience, Reformation Roots, By What Authority: Rethinking Early Christian History)

Dr. Rolf Jacobson (Teaching the Bible, Hosting the Conversation)
Rev. Greg Kaufmann (How We Got the New Testament)
Dr. Craig Koester (Is This the Time?)
Nancy Koester (The American Protestant Experience)

Dr. Ralph W. Klein (Introduction to the Old Testament)
Dr. Kathryn Kleinhans ("We Must Plant the Church": The Story of Lutherans in America)
Dr. Eddie Kwok (Teaching the Bible, Hosting the Conversation)
Dr DeAne Lagerquist ("We Must Plant the Church": The Story of Lutherans in America, The American Protestant Experience)

Dr. Kristine Lund (Teaching the Bible, Hosting the Conversation)
Dr. Lois Malcolm (Systematic Theology)
Dr. Craig Nessan (Ethics in Lutheran Perspective)
Dr. Cheryl Meese Peterson (Systematic Theology)

Dr. Martin Marty (Reformation Roots, The American Protestant Experience, By What Authority: Rethinking Early Christian History)

Dr. Mickey Mattox (Reformation Roots)
Dr. Nicholas Miller (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Jane O’Hara Shields (Isaiah: Visions of Promise)
Dr. Jeff Perry (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Richard Perry, Jr. (Systematic Theology)
Dr. Winston D. Persaud (Systematic Theology)
Dr. Ted Peters (Systematic Theology)
Dr. Raymond Pickett (Introduction to the New Testament)
Dr. Duane Priebe (Systematic Theology)

Bishop Emeitus David W. Preus ("We Must Plant the Church": The Story of Lutherans in America)
Dr. Amanda Porterfield (The American Protestant Experience)

Dr. Mark Allan Powell (How Lutherans Interpret the Bible)
Dr. David Rhoads (The Dramatic Presentation of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, Earthbound)
Dr. Ron Rittgers (Reformation Roots)
Dr. Jose David Rodgriguez (Systematic Theology)
Dr. Michael Root (Systematic Theology)
Dr. Sarah Ruble (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Phil Ruge-Jones (Systematic Theology, The Beginning of the Good News: A Live Performance of
Mark’s Gospel)

The Rev. Eric Shafer (Isaiah: Visions of Promise)
Dr. Katheryn Schifferdecker (Introduction to the Old Testament)
Dr. Carolyn Schneider (By What Authority: Rethinking Early Christian History)
Dr. Faye Schott (Systematic Theology)
Dr. Columba Stewart (By What Authority: Rethinking Early Christian History)
Dr. Richard Stewart ("We Must Plant the Church": The Story of Lutherans in America)
Dr. Kirsi Stjerna (Reformation Roots)
Rev. Gordon Straw ("We Must Plant the Church": The Story of Lutherans in America, The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Nelson Strobert (Teaching the Bible, Hosting the Conversation)
Dr. Angela Tarango (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Walter F. Taylor, Jr. (Romans: Living Faithfully)
Dr. David Tiede (Learning Luke: The Apostolic Gospel)
Dr. Mark Tranvik (Reformation Roots)
Dr. Mark Valeri (The American Protestant Experience, Reformation Roots )
Dr. Harold Vogelaar (Introduction to Islam)
Dr. Grant Wacker (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Tisa Wenger (The American Protestant Experience)
Dr. Timothy Wengert (Getting Down to Basics: The Augsburg Confessions and the Small Catechism)
Dr. Hans Wiersma (Teaching the Bible, Hosting the Conversation, Reformation Roots, The Amerian Protestant Experience)


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