Introduction to the Old Testament

Introduction to the Old Testament


This ten lesson course introduces students to the high points of the Old Testament:

- The Primeval History in Genesis 1-11
- The stories of Sarah and Abraham
- Exodus-Deuteronomy
- The Deuteonomistic History (Joshua-Kings)
- Amos and Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Isaiah 40-55
- Job
- Psalms 

Each session contains four 20 minute segments.  The overall course can be taken online (offered in the winter) as preparation for teaching the course in smaller segments.  Any single session could be offered as 4 unit course in a congregational setting.  This course, in it's entirety, can also be used in preparation for the Associate in Ministry roster.

The course is supported by an up-to-date textbook and a study guide, including web
resources. Lecturers are Dr. Ralph W. Klein, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and Dr. Katheryn Schifferdecker, Luther Seminary.

The Old Testament: A Historical and Literary Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures.
Michael D. Coogan and Cynthia Chapman (click here to rent or purchase)


Introduction to the Old Testament from Select Learning on Vimeo.

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