(This resource is in DVD format. If you would prefer streaming, click here.)
Five hundred years ago, a little-known German monk discovered in Scripture two simple ideas so scandalous that they set Europe aflame for centuries. The church would never be the same.
Now God's people are rediscovering what Martin Luther uncovered five centuries ago. And those two simple ideas, justification and vocation, so evident throughout Scripture, are the foundation of the Christian life.
In our congregations, in our communities, in our families and in our work lives, grace takes us out into God's world, confident in God's promises. We are sent out of our churches, to love and obey, to co-create with God on behalf of others, for the sake of the world.
Down and out: it's the life God gives us, the life to which God calls us. This six-part DVD series, filmed in high-definition, reintroduces you to the life-changing reality of God's promises, and points the way to a completely different view of life in the light of where grace takes you.
Episode 1: Up/Down [Length 24:00]
Episode 2: In/Out [Length 20:30]
Episode 3: Wanna/Gotta [Length 22:00]
Episode 4: Creatures/Creators [Length 25:00]
Episode 5: Self/Others [Length 18:30]
Episode 6: Spirit/Flesh [Length 23:15]
Two DVD set, comes with a set of basic discussion questions, a more detailed workbook, and one copy of the the book "The Christian's Calling in the World," by Marc Kolden.
Praise for Down + Out:
I have been a parish pastor for 35 years and this is one of the best resources I have encountered on the topic of our rich Lutheran heritage of grace. Our congregation used this video series for a Sunday adult course that was well received and had rave reviews from participants. It covers the twin pillars of our Lutheran tradition--justification and vocation--in a manner that is both accessible and entertaining. The material is well packaged with good theological and historical integrity that is presented in a creative way by an engaging narrator and knowledgeable scholars. This is a must see for all new members and I believe EVERY congregation would do well to invest in this valuable video resource.
Down + Out: Where Grace Takes You from Select Learning on Vimeo.
If you have further questions or comments about Select Learning theological materials, please contact:
Jodi Hanson
NOTE: Please include your church name and address. Thank you.